Winter Flooding Benefits Klamath Ag & Wildlife

Canada geese and pintail ducks in flooded field in the Klamath Drainage District near Hwy 97, south of Klamath Falls, Oregon.

Fall and winter flooding benefit Klamath Ag and wildlife

The flooded fields in the Klamath Drainage District not only the success of the district’s family farmers and ranchers, it also echoes the ecosystem of Lower Klamath for area wildlife.

After the last potato has been dug, the last lush hayfield swathed and baled, and the last kernel of grain harvested and stored in a granary, farming and ranching in the Klamath Drainage District takes on a distinctly different tone.

Cows that lazed about pastures now eagerly await the feed wagon for hay. Fields once green with thriving crops and then brown from those same crops harvested give way to a flooded landscape reminding us that the 27,000 acres of rich cropland was once a part of Lower Klamath Lake.

A flooded field in the Klamath Drainage District farmed by Ron McGill, Klamath Falls, Oregon.
This field flooded by Ron McGill benefits from natural pest control (including weeds) while the soil is replenished.

KDD is unique from other districts in the Klamath Project in part because of its unique soils, which make fall and winter flooding advantageous for growing conditions the following spring and summer.

In recognition of this historical practice, the district’s water rights specifically provide for fall/winter flooding. At times these water rights have been criticized despite the benefits managing water this way provides for KDD family farmers and ranchers, the Klamath Project, wildlife in the district, and the greater Klamath Basin ecosystem.

Winter in the district

KDD farmers and ranchers operate much like other operations in the Klamath Basin in the winter.

For ranchers, cows and other livestock need to be fed. Grain, hay, and row crop growers are reaching out to buyers and moving commodities as needed.

However, KDD’s fall and winter water diversions add another element producers in other Klamath Project districts don’t have to worry about – irrigation.

Benefits for Klamath Ag

For KDD farmers and ranchers, fall/winter flooding provides several advantages that support sustainable agriculture in the district.

A wheel line in a flooded field in the Klamath Drainage District farmed by Ron McGill, Klamath Falls, OR.
A wheel line sits in a flooded field farmed by Ron McGill.

One primary benefit for KDD producers, as well as other farmers in Klamath Project irrigation districts, is fall and winter flooding pre-irrigates the pastures and fields in the district. When the Bureau of Reclamation allows for water to be diverted from Upper Klamath Lake for Klamath Basin agriculture, the demand from KDD is less in those early months.

With less demand from KDD growers, elevation levels in Upper Klamath Lake are impacted less, and in those early months of the irrigation season other districts are able to divert more water to their patrons.

There’s also the benefit of chemical-free pest control and fertilization.

After crops are harvested, some producers burn their fields to rid them of stubble and weeds. Burning fields helps stop invasive weeds from getting a foothold in the fields while also putting nutrients back into the soil.

Flooding those same fields helps break down the torched organic matter further and keep the seeds of pest plants from growing.  And for fields that weren’t touched by fire, soil health is enhanced at the microbial level, recreating the rich earth that encouraged early settlers to establish farms in the area.

As a result, KDD farmers and ranchers require less fertilizer and pesticides when the growing season rolls around. For this reason, KDD alone accounts for nearly 10 percent of all of Oregon’s organic farming acres.

A harvested grain field that is being flooded in the Klamath Drainage District, Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Fall and winter flooding helps break down plant matter and return important nutrients back to the soil.

Benefits for the Lower Klamath ecosystem

Aside from the need for fewer pesticides and fertilizers, winter irrigation benefits the greater Klamath Basin ecosystem in several ways.

By cutting down on the amount of fertilizer needed to grow a crop, fall and winter flooding helps cut down on the amount of phosphorus needed to grow a crop. Not only does that help prevent excessive phosphorus from potentially being sent down the Klamath River, it helps prevent excess phosphorus from leaching into groundwater.

For groundwater, flooding fields in the off season helps recharge the aquifer. Over the last few years, wells have gone dry due to the Bureau of Reclamation cutting off water to the Klamath Project. Getting moisture into the ground helps replenish these sources of water, and during hot, dry summer months, can affect the local climate when that moisture is evaporated and then released during thunderstorms.

Canada geese walk on ice in a field flooded by Ron McGill in the Klamath Drainage District, Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Flooded fields provide habitat for birds migrating the Pacific Flyway, such as these Canada geese.

Flooding KDD’s fields during the fall and winter months also helps this region of the Klamath Basin function more closely to how it did before the Klamath Project was developed. Before white settlers came to the area, this marshy triangle on the north end of Lower Klamath Lake provided the Modocs with food and fiber to sustain their way of life.

Though the plant life has changed, getting water onto the landscape annually remains essential to honor the traditional ecosystem function of the area.

Helping wildlife in the Lower Klamath

Swans and geese in a flooded field in the Klamath Drainage District, Klamath Falls, OR.
Swans and honkers taking advantage of a flooded field north of the Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge.

The Klamath Basin is a major migration corridor for birds traveling the Pacific Flyway. With KDD’s proximity to Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge and Bear Valley National Wildlife Refuge, the district is a hotspot for birdwatchers and hunters alike.

Since water to Tule Lake and Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuges has been scarce for water the last few years, fields and pastures have become the principal refuge for wildlife.

From Tulelake to Worden and up to Midland, farms and ranches have provided much needed habitat and food sources for wildlife. In the fall, these seasonal wetlands provide food for shore birds, migrating Sandhill cranes, and local herons and egrets.

Come winter, with the increased migration of ducks, geese, and swans on the Pacific Flyway, the flooded fields become open water that welcome the travelers to stop and rest before continuing their journey south.

A bald eagle on a post in a canal in the Klamath Drainage District, Klamath Falls, Oregon.
For raptors, such as this bald eagle, winter flooding provides hunting opportunities.

For coyotes and raptors, the advancing and receding waters drive small prey from the ground for them to hunt.  The abundant waterfowl near the fields’ shorelines and in the canals provide another source of food for predators.

In the spring, as the flooded fields are drained for farming, deer and antelope can be found eating the soft green growth as it emerges.

Draining KDD’s fields ends up benefitting the wildlife in the Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge too. Last spring, for example, KDD sent nearly 2,500 acre/feet of recirculated water to Unit 2 of the Lower Klamath refuge to help offset the shortage inflicted by the Bureau of Reclamation.


From soil health to providing habitat, KDD’s fall and winter flooding is as important to the success to the growers in the district as it is the Klamath Basin ecosystem and ultimately the entire Pacific Flyway. And as time goes on, sustainable practices such as this will be more recognized for the wide-ranging advantages they provide agriculture and the environment.

Winter flooding in a field on Ron McGill's farm in the Klamath Drainage District, Klamath Falls, OR.

KDD Manager Moderates REAL Oregon Panel

The panel for the REAL Oregon discussion held in Merrill, Oregon, at the Civic Center.

REAL Oregon hosts panel about Klamath Basin Water

Members of REAL Oregon’s Class 8 learned about Klamath Basin water issues from stakeholders from throughout the watershed

On a blustery November evening, Class 8 of REAL Oregon got a firsthand look of the challenges of Klamath Basin water issues.

Following a day of touring the Klamath Basin that included stops at the former J.C. Boyle dam site and Spencer Creek with Klamath Water Users Association’s Director of Water Policy, Moss Driscoll, the bus rolled into the Merrill Civic Center for a panel discussion titled, “Dam! Now What?”

The eight-person panel was filled by representatives for economic, Tribal, agricultural, and governmental interests in the ongoing Klamath Basin water discussions. Sitting on the panel were:

    • Darren Rutledge, Executive Director, The Klamath Idea
    • Becky Hyde, Upper Klamath Basin Ag Collaborative
    • Ken Griggs, Acting Refuge Manager, US Fish & Wildlife Service Klamath Refuge Complex
    • Willie Ray, Jr., Chairman of the Klamath Tribes
    • Jonathan Teichert, City Manager, City of Klamath Falls
    • Dave Hensley, Klamath County Board of Commissioners
    • Frankie Myers, Vice Chairman, Yurok Tribe
    • Tracey Liskey, KWUA President and Klamath Drainage District board member
The panel for the REAL Oregon discussion held in Merrill, Oregon, at the Civic Center.
The REAL Oregon panel for “Dam! Now What?” featured stakeholders from up and down the Klamath River watershed.

After audience and panel introductions, discussion moderator Scott White, KDD general manager and member of REAL Oregon’s Pioneer Class, jumped into the conversations.

With the recent completion of Klamath River dam removal, White focused the discourse on the history of the Klamath dams and the panelists’ thoughts about them, what dam removal means to the stakeholders and their groups, and what they foresee with salmon returning to the Upper Klamath Basin.

Klamath Drainage District general manager, Scott White, moderated the REAL Oregon panel.
KDD General Manager and REAL Oregon alumnus, Scott White, hosted the panel discussion.

As expected, the conversation was lively and passionate, though friendly.

Panelists shared their frustrations about the dam removal process, as well as their hopes for their communities now that the structures were out. One point of consensus was the fact that with the dams are out and the salmon are coming, the focus needs to shift rebuilding trust and working together on restoration efforts in the entire Klamath River watershed.

At the end of the panelist conversation, the REAL Oregon audience had time for a brief question and answer session. Like the panel discussion, the responses to Class 8’s questions highlighted the complexity of Klamath Basin water issues as well as the need for cooperation.

REAL Oregon Class 8 member asks the "Dam! Now What?" panel a question.
REAL Oregon’s Class 8 audience asked the panel questions after the main discussion.

What is REAL Oregon?

Standing for Resource Education and Agricultural Leadership, REAL Oregon is a program operated by the Oregon Agricultural Education Foundation (OAEF) through the Oregon Farm Bureau.

With a focus on Oregon agriculture, the REAL Oregon program “is a leadership enhancement and development program designed for farming, ranching, forestry, and commercial fishing professionals, producers, affiliated industries, association staff, public agency personnel, and members of resource related boards, commissions, and associations”.

Each Class starts in November and runs through March, with class members attending a monthly session in a different part of the state. While the sessions focus on training Oregon’s future ag leaders about working with government, dealing with the media, and skills that are useful in the boardroom, the program also delves into subjects specific to Oregon agriculture, such as November’s topic, “Klamath Water Project”.

Class 1, also known as the Pioneer Class, graduated in March of 2017. Since then, REAL Oregon has educated over 130 alumni.

“Frankly, it is an honor and a privilege to be an alumnus of the pioneer class and accompanied by such prestigious leaders,” said White. “We still attract the finest talent in the state. I think that says a lot about this program”.

To learn more about REAL Oregon and Class 8, visit

Klamath Drainage District Hosts Meetings About Lower Klamath Projects

Handouts on a table at Klamath Drainage District's October 29th, 2024 PL-566 Projects comments meeting held at Klamath Community College.

Big changes for irrigation efficiency and modernization – as well as for habitat restoration – are getting underway in the Klamath Basin. 

With several of those projects happening in the Klamath Drainage District (KDD), the district held two meetings to gather public comments and to inform KDD landowners and neighboring interests about reconnecting the Klamath River to Lower Klamath Lake.

Public Comment Meeting

KDD recently received confirmation from the Farmers Conservation Alliance (FCA) that its Modernization Project Draft Watershed Plan has been approved by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). As part of the process, KDD needed to hold a meeting to educate the public about the projects and gather public comments.

NRCS Watershed Program Manager, Gary Diridoni, presenting to Klamath Drainage District's meeting audience at Klamath Community College.
Gary Diridoni, NRCS Oregon Watershed Program Manager, going over the requirements for PL-566 projects.

The meeting was held on October 29th at Klamath Community College’s Conference Center. KDD Manager, Scott White, kicked off the meeting at 11 am, sharing details about the drainage district and why they sought PL-566 project funding from the NRCS.

“We have a lot of infrastructure things we want to do on the district,” White said. “We are limited in our financial resources, so we look for opportunities that are out there to help us pursue some of those things we want to do and not put as much of a burden on our landowners.”

Farmers Conservation Alliance Watershed Planning Program Manager, Raija Bushnell, presenting to KDD's meeting audience at Klamath Community College.
Raija Bushnell, FCA Watershed Planning Program Manager, discussing part of KDD’s Draft Watershed Plan.our landowners.”

Following White’s opening comments, Gary Diridoni, NRCS Watershed Program Manager. Diridoni covered PL-566 requirements, emphasizing that all PL-566 projects must have benefits for agriculture and rural communities. 

Before wrapping up the presentations, Raija Bushnell, FCA’s Watershed Planning Program Manager spoke about the planning process and dove into details about the projects, how they came about, and the benefits these projects provide. The projects she covered include:

    • North Canal Extension across State Line to the Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge (which includes upgrades/enlargement)
    • North Canal Fish Screen at the Klamath River
    • Straits Drain Pumping Plants E&F Upgrades and transfer of works to KDD
    • Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system throughout the district for improved automation and data acquisition

Overall cost of the projects is $16,878,000 with PL-566 funds covering 75% of the total. Construction for all of the projects is expected to take three years.

After the presentations, attendees talked to representatives from the NRCS, FCA, and KDD’s Manager.

The public comment period opened on October 11th, and comments will be accepted until November 15th. To learn more about submitting a comment about the Klamath Drainage District’s Infrastructure Modernization Project, visit

For those interested in viewing this meeting, FCA has it available at

Lower Klamath Landowner/Stakeholder Meeting

The following week, on November 4th, KDD held another meeting in Dorris, CA, at the Butte Valley Community Center. Doors opened at 11 am, with guests being greeted with the aroma of lunch catered by Melissa’s Country Kitchen.

Scott White, KDD Manager, presenting to audience in Dorris, CA.
Scott White, KDD Manager, discussing the Klamath Reconnection project with meeting guests at the Butte Valley Community Center in Dorris, CA.

The purpose of this meeting was to discuss reconnecting Lower Klamath Lake and the wildlife refuge to the Klamath River via the Ady Canal

Though the Klamath Reconnection project has wide support from a variety of partners and stakeholders, KDD Manager, Scott White, wanted to ensure landowners and stakeholders neighboring the district were informed about reconnection details and that a key component of the project is to identify and secure sustainability for growers in the region.

Along with White, representatives from the Modoc Nation and the Klamath Basin Refuges were in attendance to answer questions about the Klamath Reconnection, its benefits, and potential challenges.

White opened the meeting with a brief history of the Klamath Drainage District and a discussion about KDD and its relationship with the Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge. He recalled an older grower once telling him, “We need that refuge just as badly as that refuge needs us.”

The district manager went on to explain that when LKNWR goes dry, it causes a variety of problems for the district ranging from birds needing fields for habitat to water security. White also emphasized that the only way the reconnection project could move forward is that growers and landowners receive protection from the Endangered Species Act with salmon and sucker fish potentially swimming in the district’s canals.

The project has received $2 million for feasibility analysis of the concept. To date, there has been update LiDAR and sonar done in the region and the alternatives planning phase is currently underway. 

Following White, Ken Sandusky, Homelands Project Manager for the Modoc Nation, discussed the microclimatic implications of the reconnection project as well as how it would benefit the ecosystem on the whole.

Ken Sandusky, Modoc Nation Homelands Project Manager, presenting to audience in Dorris, CA for KDD's Klamath Reconnection landowner meeting.
Ken Sandusky, Modoc Nation Homelands Project Manager, sharing projects being worked on by his crew.

The Modoc Nation has a 3,200 acre ranch bordering the southern end of LKNWR. According to Sandusky, the Modoc Homelands are the hardest hit when the refuge goes dry. While there’s a lot of focus on habitat on the Upper Basin, Sandusky sees the Modoc Homelands not receiving as much attention.

“You can’t sacrifice a huge landscape within the system and expect other restoration efforts to be successful,” said Sandusky. “Everything is interconnected.”

Sandusky also pointed out the microclimate benefits of getting water back on the Lower Klamath landscape. While the wetlands would suffer evaporation during the summer months, 60% of that water goes back into the local system. He also talked about the need for more management of public lands, with juniper removal being another way to free up water to a historically wet area.

Acting Klamath Basin Refuge Complex manager, Ken Griggs, spoke after Sandusky. Griggs opened his discussion by commenting that 50,000 acres of refuge habitat are “offline” with the exception of only a few units. 

Ken Griggs, Acting Klamath Basin Refuge Complex Manager, presenting to guests at the KDD Klamath Reconnection Meeting held in Dorris, CA.
Ken Griggs, Acting Klamath Basin Refuge Complex Manager, told attendees how the Klamath Reconnection project will impact Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge.

“In our current state of affairs, we are not meeting our purpose or mission as America’s first waterfowl refuge,” stated the manager.

Griggs says now, the refuge is working with anyone they can to get water back on the landscape, reversing the management of previous refuge managers. They’re also looking at a more holistic approach to benefit the ecosystem and the greater good, versus the previous philosophy of single-species focused.

The last presentation was from John Vradenbug, supervisory biologist for the Klamath Basin Refuge Complex.

Vradenburg said the wetlands are telling us something has changed dramatically. Birds that once stopped in the Klamath Basin are now passing the region by, and the Klamath Reconnection project will get the landscape inline with how it’s been historically. 

Though Vradenburg is optimistic about the benefits of the project, he discussed some of the unintended consequences, such as its effects on infrastructure, the need to ensure the water budget isn’t compromised, and asserted that KDD growers are protected. 

John Vradenbug, Supervisory Biologist for the Klamath Basin Refuge Complex, talking with KDD landowner, Sam Henzel, at KDD's Klamath Reconnection landowner meeting in Dorris, CA.
John Vradenbug, Supervisory Biologist for the Klamath Basin Refuge Complex, talking with KDD landowner, Sam Henzel, about the Klamath Reconnection project.

“We tried to be really thoughtful in making sure we didn’t compromise the water budget – because that’s a stress. We wanted to make sure that we were always meeting this larger flow-through desire of nutrients and filtration,” said Vradenburg. “And we always wanted to keep with what Scott’s been hammering on – we cannot do any of this without protections on KDD because we are inviting endangered species onto our landscape.”

When Vradenburg’s discussion about the intricacies and effects of the Klamath Reconnection project finished, the panel took questions from the audience. Conversations following the presentation and Q&A were positive.

Attendees at Klamath Drainage District's Klamath Reconnection landowner meeting discussing projects.
After the presentations, meeting attendees took advantage of being able to ask questions and have discussions about LKNWR and the Klamath Reconnection project.

The project has garnered support from Oregon and California as well as federal agencies, conservation groups such as Ducks Unlimited, California Waterfowl Association, and Trout Unlimited; agricultural groups such as Family Water Alliance and Klamath Water Users Association; the Klamath Watershed Partnership, and Klamath Basin Tribes.

Other projects in the Klamath Project and around the Klamath Basin 

Though these two meetings were about projects happening in KDD, there are several other habitat restoration projects happening in the Klamath Basin and on the Klamath Reclamation Project:

Agency-Barnes Wetlands Project – In a collaboration between the Klamath Tribes, Ducks Unlimited, and the United States Fish & Wildlife Service, over 14,000 acres of wetland for waterfowl and C’waam and Koptu habitat.

Sprague River Collaborative Restoration Project – Running through 2025, this Upper Basin Collaborative project’s goals are to restore 26 miles of tributary streams and rivers in the Upper Sprague River watershed; develop plans for instream and floodplain restoration on the mainstem Sprague River to improve the shallow groundwater table, enhance water quality and habitat for future watershed restoration; and lastly, create and implement an Agricultural Resiliency Toolbox (ART) that directly benefits participating landowners to emphasize a commitment to voluntary, incentive-based approaches to advance agricultural and environmental resiliency.

Tule Lake Flow Through Infrastructure Improvement – The flow-through project is aimed at increasing water availability for Klamath ag and also cleaning water before it goes to the Klamath River by pushing it through wetlands.

Lake Ewauna Restoration for the Benefit of People, Fish and Wildlife – On the shoreline of Lake Ewauna in downtown Klamath Falls, this project will restore and develop the wetlands in the area along with instream improvements to the Link River to benefit native fish populations as well as waterfowl.

Upper Williamson River Restoration – This is the second phase of a project to improve fish passage to over 26 miles of the upper Williamson River and reconnect wetlands and riparian areas in the Klamath Marsh National Wildlife Refuge.

KDD Responds: Klamath Ag Supports Klamath Basin Refuges

Waterfowl taking advantage of water in Unit 2 of the Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge along Stateline Road.

Recently, the Oregonian published a letter from Mary Hayden of Oregon City about the conditions of the Tule Lake Wildlife Refuge and the potential avian botulism outbreak on the scale of 2020. In her letter, Ms. Hayden offered her thoughts on a solution – “cash out the farmers” and “give the water to the birds.”

Unfortunately, when it comes to Klamath Basin water issues, this is a popular, short-sighted reaction by those whose communities are not dependent upon Klamath ag. 

Water flowing from Ady Canal in the Klamath Drainage District to Unit 2 in the Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge
Water flowing from KDD patrons to Unit 2 in the Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge in May, 2024.

This way of thinking also doesn’t take into account the work and advocacy Klamath Basin family farmers and ranchers do on behalf of the birds of the Pacific Flyway or area wildlife. Nor does it appreciate the tangled political web of the power of the Federal government, the Endangered Species Act, or water rights that put these refuges last in line and create “paper droughts” affecting farmers and waterfowl alike.

The notion that Klamath ag is “watering the desert” while advocating for sending water to area refuges shows there’s a misunderstanding about the hydrology of the Klamath Basin. Before settlers came to the area, water flowed throughout the Klamath Basin and settled in low-lying areas creating a vast network of shallow lakes and marshlands between Tule Lake and Lower Klamath Lake. The first people of this area, the Modocs, hunted, fished, and gathered food in these marshlands and lakes.

When the Klamath Project was created, many of those areas were converted to rich farmland. 

In our district, the Klamath Drainage District (KDD), 27,000 acres of marshland was converted to farmland, leaving over 80,000 acres of the original Lower Klamath Lake as the nation’s first waterfowl refuge. During spring and fall migration, our district provides habitat and food for birds traveling the Pacific Flyway.

Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge, Unit 3, teeming with pelicans, egrets, and ducks.
The water sent to Unit 2 and Unit 3 on the Lower Klamath Wildlife Refuge encouraged species variation not seen in decades.

KDD has also been a partner with Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge, sending much-needed water from the district to the refuge when other stakeholders and the Bureau of Reclamation refused to send water to these wetlands. KDD has worked with conservation groups such as Ducks Unlimited and California Waterfowl on habitat restoration efforts as well as getting water to Lower Klamath.

KDD and the Klamath Water Users Association (KWUA) have been vocal supporters of the Klamath Basin Refuges, with KWUA sending a letter to the Bureau of Reclamation urging the Bureau to send water to the refuges to head off the impending avian botulism outbreak. 

Even today, Tulelake Irrigation District and the Klamath Drainage District are working on plans that not only provide water to these historic refuges, but also send cleaner, cooler water down the Klamath River for salmon.

A field of potatoes being harvest in the Klamath Drainage District.
Potato harvest in Klamath Drainage District. Every dollar generated by Klamath Basin Ag is passed through the community nine times.

Regardless if Klamath Basin ag were cashed out at a fair price, this one-time payout would devastate our communities and the very people working diligently to preserve the refuges that includes a sustainable supply of water. Every dollar created by Klamath ag is passed through the community nine times, more than any other industry in our region. Thousands of workers would be unemployed, and businesses tangentially connected to agriculture would fold. 

We haven’t even touched on the nation’s challenges surrounding the loss of farmland and farmers and its effects on national food security.

KDD and Klamath Basin family farmers and ranchers are allies to our refuges, not enemies. While it’s easier to demonize Klamath ag than to appreciate it, we recognize our future is directly tied to the Klamath Basin ecosystem. If Ms. Hayden is interested, we’d love for her to pay a visit to our district to learn more about the incredible work we and our partners are doing on behalf of the Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge.