KDD Offers Fliers On Klamath Basin Wildlife

Klamath Drainage District patrons are enthusiastic about the wildlife that make their homes in our pastures and fields. From the raptors  hunting for prey from the sky to our canals, ditches and drains filled with turtles, ducks and even otters, we’re proud of all the Klamath Basin wildlife that use our lands for habitat.

It should come as no surprise that for decades KDD has produced a flier touting the number of bald eagles seen in our district. A former KDD district manager, Joe Frost, put together a flier titled, “Eagles Flourish on KDD Lands”.

Cover of pamphlet "Eagles Flourish on KDD Lands"This document offers a great, brief history of KDD, the drainage district’s benefits to the ecosystem and Klamath Basin wildlife, as well as tips for viewing the eagles that nest in the Bear Valley National Wildlife Refuge and hunt in the Klamath Drainage District and the neighboring Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge. We hope you enjoy this short read, and if you’re planning on birdwatching in KDD, please be sure to visit “Eagles Flourish On KDD Lands“!

More recently, Klamath Drainage District’s PR Committee Members Scott Fentress and Joel McPherson have put together another flier for visitors to KDD lands – “Klamath Basin Wildlife in KDD”. They created this informative flier to hand out during the 2023 Winter Wings Festival field tours of KDD fields and pastures, and now we’re making this document available to the general public.

While Frost’s document covered a lot of KDD’s history and offered insights on when and where to best view bald eagles, Fentress and McPherson’s flier covers the variety of Klamath Basin wildlife that make their homes in KDD lands, what makes this area appealing to wildlife and how KDD patrons are making a positive impact on Klamath Basin ecosystems.

Page from KDD flier "Klamath Basin Wildlife in KDD"

To read the content of this flier or to download a PDF version you can print out, visit “Klamath Basin Wildlife in KDD“.

If you’re interested and getting a copy of either flier, please visit the Klamath Drainage District business offices, 4240 Highway 39, Klamath Falls, OR 97603.

We hope you take advantage of the information from both of these fliers and pay a visit to KDD to check out the variety of wildlife our lands have to offer. While it’s just a little ways off the beaten path, once you take a side road through our district you’ll understand what makes it unique to the Klamath Basin!